Did you plant too many cucumber seeds in your garden?
After three weeks of kohlrabi from your CSA, you're running out of ideas?
This year, we've worked with H.E.L.P to develop a partner project to our Gardening for Good plots at Atwater School. Starting in August, we are collecting your extra produce to donate to Riverwest Food Pantry and the St. Vincent De Paul meal program (where we serve our taco dinners).
PURPOSE: Provide freshly harvested produce to local neighbors who are currently experiencing food insecurity.
IMPACT: Our Milwaukee neighbors will benefit from nutritious and fresh foods. in addition, children will understand that food from their family garden or CSA farm box extends to others in our community.
WHERE: 4015 N Prospect Ave Shorewood WI In the blue cooler on the porch.
WHEN: By sundown on Tuesday OR Thursday (weekly til October 4). Friday morning is when we will drop off the produce to RWFP and SVDP.
CONTACT: Brooke [email protected] with any questions