With F.A.N. (Friends Across Nations) Playgroup, families are getting an opportunity to be good neighbors and welcome new friends to the Milwaukee area. Children and adults have a chance to break through cultural barriers and create friendships in a loving and kid friendly environment, while providing the refugee-status families an opportunity to practice their English skills.
This event will be held on the south side of Milwaukee. At the home of Leslie Osborn who is the former children’s pastor from Eastbrook Church, and currently works with refugee-status families.
This cross cultural playgroup is building off our toddler camp hosted in July 2017. Read more about that mission here. Read about the first session of FAN here.
PURPOSE: To give an opportunity for children and parents to build cross cultural relationships in a relaxed, friendly, playful, and organized environment.
IMPACT: Through play and activities, children and adults will learn that they are capable of breaking through cultural and language barriers to create new friendships. The refugee-status families will also get the opportunity to improve their English speaking skills in a kid friendly and fun environment.
WHEN: The 2nd Monday of every month from 10:00am - 11:00am. (Fall Dates: September 10th, October 8th, November 12th and December 10th.)
WHERE: St. Francis, WI. Once you register, we will email you the specific address.
REGISTRATION: Available here
CANCELLATIONS: Prior to registering, we ask that you check the dates of our playgroup to make sure you can make all of them. We understand that illness and family events may occur which cause you to miss a class. If you are to miss, please contact Hilary () as soon as possible so she can ask a waitlist family to fill in for you for that date.
AGES: 0-6 years old
COST: Free